Best Popular Hacking Tool { Remote Access || Full Control } All OS Devices in Windows & Kali Linux

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What is Metasploit framework?

Firstly i would like to say that metasploit is most popular hacking tool with many options...

Metasploit is a penetration testing framework that makes hacking simple. It's an essential tool for many attackers and defenders. Point Metasploit at your target, pick an exploit, what payload to drop, and hit Enter.

It's not quite as simple as that, of course, so let's begin at the beginning. Back in ye olden days of yore, pentesting involved a lot of repetitive labor that Metasploit now automates. Information gathering? Gaining access? Maintaining persistence? Evading detection? Metasploit is a hacker's Swiss army chainsaw (sorry, Perl!), and if you work in information security, you're probably already using it.
Better still, the core Metasploit Framework is both free and libre software and comes pre-installed in Kali Linux. (It's BSD-licensed, in case you're curious). The framework offers only a command-line interface, but those wanting GUI-based click-and-drag hacking — plus some other cool features — can drop a bundle for per-seat licenses to Metasploit Pro.

A Brief History of Metasploit

Metasploit was originally developed and conceived by HD Moore while he was employed by a security firm. When HD realized that he was spending most of his time validating and sanitizing public exploit code, he began to create a flexible and maintainable framework for the creation and development of exploits. He released his first edition of the Perl-based Metasploit in October 2003 with a total of 11 exploits.
With the help of Spoonm, HD released a total rewrite of the project, Metasploit 2.0, in April 2004. This version included 19 exploits and over 27 payloads. Shortly after this release, Matt Miller (Skape) joined the Metasploit development team, and as the project gained popularity, the Metasploit Framework received ...

Let's Try to use Metasploit...

During the information gathering phase of a pentest, Metasploit integrates seamlessly with Nmap, SNMP scanning and Windows patch enumeration, among others. There's even a bridge to Nessus, Tenable's vulnerability scanner. Pretty much every reconnaissance tool you can think of integrates with Metasploit, making it possible to find the chink in the armor you're looking for.
Once you've identified a weakness, hunt through Metasploit's large and extensible database for the exploit that will crack open that chink and get you in. For instance, NSA's EternalBlue exploit, released by the Shadow Brokers in 2017, has been packaged for Metasploit and is a reliable go-to when dealing with unpatched legacy Windows systems.
Like fine wine and cheese, pair the exploit with a payload to suit the task at hand. Since what most folks are wanting is a shell, a suitable payload when attacking Windows systems is the ever-popular Meterpreter, an in-memory-only interactive shell. Linux boxes get their own shellcode, depending on the exploit used.
Once on a target machine, Metasploit's quiver contains a full suite of post-exploitation tools, including privilege escalation, pass the hash, packet sniffing, screen capture, keyloggers, and pivoting tools. You can also set up a persistent backdoor in case the machine in question gets rebooted.
More and more features are being added to Metasploit every year, include a fuzzer to identify potential security flaws in binaries, as well as a long list of auxiliary modules too long to list here.
This is only a high-level view of what Metasploit can do. The framework is modular and easily extensible and enjoys an active community. If it doesn't do exactly what you want it to do, you can almost certainly tweak it to suit.

Metasploit Original site is here...

See what update in metasploit from here

Install metasploit on windows from here

Payloads with metasploit...

Metasploit currently has over 547 payloads. Some of them are:
  • Command shell enables users to run collection scripts or run arbitrary commands against the host.
  • Meterpreter (the Metasploit Interpreter) enables users to control the screen of a device using VNC and to browse, upload and download files.
  • Dynamic payloads enable users to evade anti-virus defense by generating unique payloads.
  • Static payloads enable static IP address/port forwarding for communication between the host and the client system.

Exploits - 

Metasploit currently has over 1894 exploits, organized under the following platforms: AIXAndroidBSDBSDiCiscoFirefoxFreeBSDHPUXIrixJavaJavaScriptLinuxmainframe, multi (applicable to multiple platforms), NetBSDNetWarenodejsOpenBSDOSXPHPPythonRRubySolarisUnix, and Windows.
Best Popular Hacking Tool { Remote Access || Full Control } All OS Devices in Windows & Kali Linux Best Popular Hacking Tool { Remote Access || Full Control } All OS Devices in Windows & Kali Linux Reviewed by Adarsh Raj on March 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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